
Regular Guided Practice

This regular session is like a taster, or regular basic practice. There will be some guidance and a few minutes at the end for Q&A. This guided practice is a pre-requisite for all the other courses / workshops unless specific exemption is allowed.

Booking and payment in advance, just £3, open drop class, no pre requisite, no application, just booking and payment I’m advance. non-interactive session. About 40 - 45 mins.


Regular Classes: Foundation Level

Maximum no of participants by application. Must have attended at least a few of the guided practice (no. 1).

Once accepted, booking and payment is in advance for an agreed block of sessions. Approx £12-£15per session tbc. These sessions will be more focused teaching / guidance on a foundation level with interaction and space for Q&A. Specific injuries and conditions will be addressed in the sessions. 60 - 90 mins tbc


Small Focused Group Sessions

Pre-requisite, same as above. These groups will be small, maybe 3 or 4 people and to go deeper into issues/conditions, connectioning more into the group process / dynamic as a whole to cultivate a sense of support. Approx £15-£20 per person per session per person. Booked and paid for in advance. 90 - 12 mins tbc.

The intention here is to go deeper into the practice and explore some of spiritual aspects that may arise. Most like more meditation.