
Movement Based Sessions

These sessions include a combination gentle movement in flow, meditation, standing, and self qi massage.

Medical Qi Gong is a way to increase energy levels; improve mental and physical health, muscle-tone, posture, and body awareness; healing specific conditions; and personal growth.

The style of movement based sessions I offer encompass our entire being: Mind, Body and Spirit; with the aim of restoring your natural state of cohesion, harmony, and wholeness.

I work on the physical, emotional & Spiritual anatomies, aiming to shift stagnant energy, as well as relieve physical and emotional tension. The ancient art and science of traditional Chinese medicine is the biggest inspiration for the bodywork I offer, unifying all my training and experience.

Areas of Effectiveness

  • to explore the underlying root of their conditions / issues / concerns starting with the physical

  • to empower themselves with this practice (for example: physical conditions, injuries, patterns of thinking)

  • to alleviate physical pain, improve range of movement and mobility

  • to tonify the mind, enhancing clarity and focus

  • to cultivate fuller and deeper presence to their experience in each moment

  • to develop discipline and structure

  • to regulate the internal systems (nervous, digestive, lymphatic, endocrine, respiratory, digestive, immune, muscular)

  • support during intensive treatment such as radio or chemotherapy

  • increased resilience and strengthening of the immune system



£65 - session