Qi Gong Case Study: 1


Actress, Movement Director, Dancer, Clown, Playwright, Life Model. 


Trained in ballet from 3 years - 14 years old. (Auditioned for the Royal Ballet at age 10, but didn't make it because of my knocked knees!!) Contemporary dance classes from 16 - 18 years. 3-year intensive professional actor-movement training from age 18 - 21, including daily Alexander Technique.


Yoga, Hula-hooping, Shamanic Dance, Contact Improvisation. 

Presenting issues:

 badly sprained ankle and fractured right foot in March. Ligament and nerve damage throughout leg/ ankle/ foot, plus hip problems caused by the platform boot (cast)! Told be doc it could take a year to get back to normal.

Commentary by client on process:

Initial soreness in foot and had to sleep with foot raised. No subsequent pain, gradual more sensation in leg, less pain. Twinges of pin when no practice.

Feels more able to hold recommended alignment with no pain or resistance. Practices almost everyday. Feels more in body in general. Breathing has dropped and feels deeper, more from abdomen.


The Importance of Earthing